Swamiji’s father, Sri Kalyanasundaram was a born intellectual, interested in Tamil language and was also talented in composing the poetic language of Tamil literature known as “chitra-kavi,” a type of metrical composition fitted into fanciful figures. He also wrote many valuable books on Lord Muruga and Lord Shiva. This home therefore became the center of many literary debates and discourses. The citizens of Coimbatore appreciated the services of Sri Kalyanasundaram and felicitated him with many titles. Sri Sivananda Saraswati Swamigal honoured him with the title “KaviChoodamani.”
Swamiji’s mother, Srimati Velammai was the devoted wife of Sri Kalyanasundaram. She always respected the spiritual seekers and personally took care of all their needs. She respected the saints and sages who visited her home because she believed they were all forms of Lord Shiva. She was always filled with motherly love, dedication and respect for the yogis.
Srimati Velammai learned the basic truths of religion from Sri Sadhu Swamigal, worshipped the Lord Surya (the sun deity), and observed austerities including fasting. To brighten her life, a divine son was born on 22 December 1914, during the Christmas week. This unique child was named Ramasamy. He is now known as the great yogi, Swami Satchidanandaji Maharaj.
Thus memories of Swamiji’s childhood home always stayed in His heart, and he frequently mentioned them in His discourses throughout his life.