It is through the work of pioneers such as Swami Satchidananda that Yoga has gained acceptance and recognition across the world.
~ Shri Narendra Modi, The Prime Minister of INDIA
Light of Truth Universal Shrines’ will strengthen the ‘bonds of unity and promote inter – religious faith and harmony.
~ His Excellency Dr. K. Rosaiah, Honourable Governor of Tamil Nadu

It is gratifying to note that on the occasion of the Birth Centenary of His Holiness, the members of the Foundation are going to dedicate the Lotus Temple at his birth place, which is a replica of the Lotus that H.H. Swami himself had dedicated in Virginia, US in 1986
~ Dr. M. Thambidurai, Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha and leader
Swamiji’s work towards global harmony through inter-faith communion is a tremendous contribution to humanity. The establishment of the new Lotus temple will surely continue to carry forth his vision in the years to come.
~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev – Yogi

If you believe in God, you know that God gives you everything that you need and takes away everything that you don't need.
A yogi is like a surfer who knows how to balance on his board. He welcomes even a big rolling wave because he knows how to enjoy it without getting caught in it.
Keep the mind clean, the body clean, the life well disciplined, the heart dedicated. This is Yoga.
Discipline makes your mind stronger and one-pointed. It should ultimately help you make your mind your slave.
Knowing the meaning of the mantram is not even necessary. The faith behind it is more important.
By repetition of a mantram alone, many hundreds of great saints have experienced Divine Consciousness.
Even when you are physically doing something, your aim can be meditation. Focusing your entire mind on what you are doing is meditation.
Spend a few minutes each day in meditation. These are the most important minutes you can spend. You will be able to send out nice, peaceful vibrations, and these vibrations will go around the globe.
If you have total faith in a Higher Will - a Higher Energy - you will be able to tune in to that and receive all the strength and energy to recharge your system.
To become a good instrument of the Divine, maintain your health - have an easeful body, a peaceful mind and a useful life.
Everything and everybody is looking for happiness. But it is not something that has to be brought in from outside. Happiness is already within Us and is to be experienced.
If you want God to come in, make room.